<Corporate Profile>

Message From the President


Minori Mori

Through the dramatic growth in the Japanese alcoholic beverage and food wholesale business, we shall promote the global penetration of Japanese cuisine

Takara Shuzo International Co., Ltd. was founded in July 2017 after being split from Takara Shuzo Co., Ltd. in order to accelerate the growth of the Japanese food wholesale business and alcoholic beverages business overseas. It is a member of the Takara Group, which is engaged in alcoholic beverages, seasoning and biotechnology businesses.

Overseas, the global increase in health concerns, as well as the addition of “washoku”, the traditional dietary cultures of the Japanese, to the UNESCO list of intangible heritage, has spurred even more interest in Japanese food and alcoholic beverages.
On the back of this interest, the Takara Shuzo International Group is rolling out two business: the Overseas Alcoholic Beverages Business, which exports alcoholic drinks and seasonings from Japan to the world, and produces and sells alcohol overseas, and the Japanese Food Wholesale Business, which sells Japanese ingredients to Japanese restaurants and food retailers overseas.

In the Overseas Alcoholic Beverages Business, we are accelerating our partnerships with Group companies such as Takara Shuzo in Japan and overseas, and expanding exports. With the technologies Takara Shuzo has developed over the years, we shall strengthen the development and fostering of products suited for local needs overseas in addition to our alcohol production, which is based around traditional Japanese alcoholic beverages. We are also reinforcing our local production of Japanese and Western alcoholic beverages, and enhancing our lineup. In the Japanese Food Wholesale Business, we are using the strengths of our wide range of products and supply networks to expand our Japanese foods and alcoholic beverages. In addition, we shall promote the global penetration of Japanese cuisine through the synergy between these two businesses.

By spreading Japanese cuisine throughout the world, we aim to contribute to solving social issues and becoming the number one company for Japanese foods and alcoholic beverages globally.

In this, I hope I can rely on your unchanging support.

Corporate Profile

Trade Name Takara Shuzo International Co., Ltd.
Head Office 20 Naginataboko-cho, Shijo-dori Karasuma Higashi-iru, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8688, Japan
Company Representative Minori Mori, President
Business Group company management, export of alcoholic beverages and seasonings
Established July 3, 2017
Issued Capital ¥10million
Account Settlement March 31
Major Shareholder Takara Holdings Inc. (100% equity owned)
Board of Directors and Auditors
President Minori Mori
Director Masumi Uetsuji
Director Masaharu Watabe
Director Mutsumi Kimura
Auditor Teruaki Mitsui
Auditor Yoichi Suzuki
Senior Executive Officer Yoichiro Miyakuni
Senior Executive Officer Masatoshi Ohata
Executive Officer Kaoru Hasumi
TEL +81-75-212-5074
FAX +81-75-212-5098
Overseas Offices
  • ● London Office  
    17 Hanover Square, London W1S 1BN United Kingdom
    TEL +44-20-7297-2013
    FAX +44-20-7182-4040
URL https://www.takara-intl.co.jp/